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Old Pueblo Lapidary Club Events

Upcoming Events

  • Monthly meeting: July 13, 2024, 9am at the club house.
    2024, Mark Marikos: Diamonds
    (Social hour at 8am)
  • Monthly meeting: August 10, 2024.
    Karyn Holyk: Gemstone paintings
  • Monthly meeting: September 14, 2024.
    Ihor Kunasz: Pegmatites - Lithium Legacy
  • Monthly meeting: October 12, 2024.
    Shelly Sergent: "Somewhere in the Rainbow" Collection
  • Monthly meeting: November 9, 2024.
    Tikka Opals: Opals

Past Events

  • Monthly meeting: June 8, 2024
    Twink Monrad & planetary scientist Dr. Larry Lebofsky: The Gold Basin Meteorite Adventure and Twink - Meteorite Collection
  • Monthly meeting: May 11, 2024
    Jim Turner, historian: The History of Mining in Arizona
  • Monthly meeting: April 13, 2024
    Dr. Art Friedman: Unusual Gemstones - Minerals with Unusual Chemistry and/or Physical Properties, which make Faceting Difficult
  • Field trip: March 30, 2024: Spectrum Mine - Fluorite and quartz
  • Monthly meeting: March 9, 2024.
    Anna Domitrovic: Genesis of a Limestone Cave & Associated Mineralogy
  • Tailgate sale: March 16th, 2024.
    Lapidary-related and metalsmithing items for sale.
  • Monthly meeting: February 10, 2024.
    Martin P. Steinbach: Star Gems - A Fascinating World
  • OPLC booth at The TGMS Show: February 8th to 11th, 2024
  • Faceters HOB NOB 2024: February 3, 2024.
  • The United States Faceters Guild Tucson Symposium: February 1 - 3, 2024.
  • Monthly meeting: January 13th, 2023
    Speaker: Christine and Scott Logan: Turquoise & the Art it Inspires
  • Monthly meeting: December 9th, 2023, 11am at the club house.
    Christmas luncheon!
  • Field trip: November 18, 2023: Rowley Mine - Wulfenite, chrysocolla, malachite
  • Monthly meeting: November 11th, 2023
    Speaker: Dr. Larry Fellows: Our Ice Age
  • Silent auction: November 4th, 2023, 9am - 2pm at the club house.

    This is a once-a-year chance to select all your mineral and lapidary needs from a myriad of mineral specimens, turquoise, faceting rough, cuttin material, slabs, polished stones, beads, equipment (rock saws, cab grinders, kiln, faceting machines, vacuum caster, etc).

    There will also be a "Kids only" table.

  • Field trip: October 28, 2023: Round Mountain - Fire agate, chalcedony, geodes
  • Monthly meeting: October 14th, 2023
    Speaker: Brenda Rachel: The Crown Jewels of Hawai'i and the jewelry of the Kingdom
  • Tailgate sale: September 16th, 2023
  • Monthly meeting: September 9th, 2023
    Speaker: Claire Schragg
  • Monthly meeting: August 12th, 2023
    Speaker: Dr. Chris Osterman: His recent Mining trips to Portugal, Romania and Saudi Arabia
  • Monthly meeting: July 8th, 2023 at the club house.
    Speaker: Dr. Susan Leib (curator of Alfie Norville Gem & Mineral Museum)
  • Monthly meeting: June 10th, 2023, 9am at the club house.
    Speaker: Sindi Schloss: The Symbolism of Stones and Jewelry
  • Monthly meeting: May 13th, 2023, 9am at the club house.
    Speaker: Dr. Art Friedman: Minerals & Gems with Unusual Physical & Chemical Properties - Part 2
  • Monthly meeting: April 8th, 2023.
    Speaker: Mark Candee - Arizona Gemstones
  • Field trip: March 26, 2023: Round Mountain - Chalcedony
  • Monthly meeting: March 11th, 2023.
    Speaker: Chris Osterman - His recent Mining trip to Portugal, Romania, and Bulgaria
  • Tailgate Sale: March 11th, 2023, AFTER the general meeting.
  • Field trip: February 18th, Ash Peak Geodes
  • Monthly meeting: February 11th, 2023.
    No Speaker
  • The TGMS Show is February 9th to 12th, 2023 at the Tucson Convention Center. We promoted OPLC at our booth during hours the TCC was open.
  • The Faceters' Guild met February 1 - 4: Faceting class, Faceters' HobNob Dinner and sale, and more.
  • January 20, 2023: Corral Nuevo Geodes - we had around 34 members on the trip.
  • Monthly meeting: January 14th, 2023.
    Speaker: Helen Serras-Herman - The Mitchell & Merrick Silver Mine and 9 Canyons on Navajo Land
  • Christmas party, December 10, 2022.
  • Monthly meeting, November 12th, 2022.
    Speaker: Dr. Jan Rasmussen - Mineralogy of Arizona.
  • OPLC Silent Auction: November 5th, 2022, 9am at the club house.

Copyright Old Pueblo Lapidary Club Inc., 3118 North Dale Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85712     Phone: (520) 323-9154